Unban VIP3R
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Author:  vip3rmta [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 15:05:17 ]
Post subject:  Unban VIP3R

Your in-game nick: VIP3R

Nick of admin that banned you: Moki

Your nick at the time of you getting banned: VIP3R

Reason for getting banned: insults

Date of ban being issued: 23/03/2014 13:24

ID of the BAN: 4142

Duration of the BAN: permanently ( moki i know you can't suffer me but that's too much to ban me permanently for this reason )

Apology: I have a conflict with ryder who everytime he join on server call me: noob , cigan , gipsy , insult me but i don't make screens bcz i don't give a...for that kid , and everytime i insult him , he make screens to look like i am guilty. All i want is to be left alone by that kid ryder.

Author:  SmiLeI [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 15:25:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unban VIP3R


Author:  Ingnition [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 15:45:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unban VIP3R

Nema screeny a chce unban? Jeho blbost, jsem proti UB! Popripade trest snizit na 2 - 3 mesice dle zavaznosti skutecneho provineni.

Author:  vip3rmta [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 16:02:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unban VIP3R

Ignition i'm not guilty at all , this kid allways challange me to swear him and then he go cry to moki ( hi's friend ) , try to put yourself in my situation and then you will realise how i feel...i'm sure you'll do the same if a 15 years old kid swear you and call you noob , gipsy , cigan etc. I want you to belive me that i never swear or insult a player without be insulted by him , i don't have 15 years old like that kid , i just defend myself bcs i don't like to be insulted for no reason and i think nobody like this.

Here is the print screen:

Author:  ryder#^ [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 17:22:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unban VIP3R

Yea I called u gypsy once cuz u won't stop provoking me, isnulting me and my family !!!!
I sent moki all the screens and I will even post them here, I am trying to be good and calm with you but it's USELESS.
Oh and, stop lieing maybe, I come on the server and I am quiet, you are the only one starting useless fights then crying that you got banned.
Here you are:

Author:  vip3rmta [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 17:51:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unban VIP3R

All you know to do it's to repeat what i say "provoked you"...rlly? everytime when i die you tell me noob and you are the one who provoked me to swear you and then you cry to moki for ban me , you play on this server only for that.

Author:  BlackTwoOo [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 17:55:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unban VIP3R

Denně na serveru tímto způsobem nadává několik hráčů, dostanou mute max ban na den či 2...a vy dáte perma? Tak kde to doprdele jsme, naučte se trestat stejně...nemam slov.

A ten koment s tím že nema screeny tak nemuže mít to je fakt už moc..ryder ktery měl 454346543243541511231564213xban sem dal screeny kdy viper uráží jeho a co druha strana, kdy ryder urážky opětoval..? ..ok on je nema screeny, ale to neznamená že v logu jak miki stále říka že ho sleduje nic není..,...ach jaj.


Author:  vip3rmta [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 18:06:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unban VIP3R

Those who rlly know how i am.. like smilei , b2 and many others will be pro unban bcs i had the mind of a 15 years old kid like ryder and i answer him to swears and insults , anyway if i will have a second chance i will ignore him like as i had to do from the beginning.

Author:  eXcY [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 18:16:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unban VIP3R

Im for unban, ryder is allways annoying too.

Author:  BlackTwoOo [ Sun 23. Mar 2014 18:23:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Unban VIP3R

Buď by měli mít oba ban za urážky, protože se uráželi navzájem a nebo nikdo..protože podle screenu, která poslal viper bylo jasně videt, že se první začal navážet ryder...

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