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Which type of gamemode do you prefer for tournament
Poll ended at Mon 29. May 2017 11:01:35
DM 24%  24%  [ 17 ]
DD 6%  6%  [ 4 ]
Shooter 34%  34%  [ 24 ]
OsDM 7%  7%  [ 5 ]
Race 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
All in one 25%  25%  [ 18 ]
Total votes : 71
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 Post subject: Re: Tournament ?
PostPosted: Sat 20. May 2017 10:06:26 
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Kdyby Miki server neudělal, mohl bych to opět zařídit. Co se týče toho "dozorce" na zápasech, tak taky nevím jestli bych to letos stíhal, léto mám každý týden docela nabitý. Ale uvidím, jak se udají termíny. ;) (můj hlas padnul pod gamemode DM)

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament ?
PostPosted: Sun 21. May 2017 15:10:59 
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Rozhodně All in one, proč? Ať může hrát každý ze serveru a když je někdo slabý v DM, tak to dožene třeba na shooteru apod.. Btw. shooter byl 2x za sebou pokud se nepletu. Proto si myslím, že změna by se hodila. Navíc když je ta možnost hrát všechny gamemody, tak proč né? ;)



 Post subject: Re: Tournament ?
PostPosted: Mon 22. May 2017 13:07:56 
'Monster Truck'
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Race would be nice, don't you think? :D




 Post subject: Re: Tournament ?
PostPosted: Mon 29. May 2017 17:26:04 
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Podle ankety vyhrál Shooter. Nicméně Shooter byl poslední 2 roky a tak jsme se rozhodli, že bude lepší volit 2. volbu s největším počtem hlasů a to je All in One.
Měl by podle vás být součásti tohoto turnaje i 7t a bloodring a jak by jste si představovali turnaj ?
Shooter won according to poll. Anyway Shooter tournament was played last 2 years, so we decided that we will choose the second opinion with the highest number of votes and it is All inOne
Should 7T and Bloodring be part of this tournament? And how would you imagine the tournament?

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament ?
PostPosted: Mon 29. May 2017 17:35:42 
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I think it is good if we just do 'KO-Rounds' so not with points.
If a clan have to play against another, they play all: shooter, dd, dm, osdm, race (maybe two modes on a day). Every win on a game (shooter,dd,dm,osdm,race) gives a point, and which clan have more points against the other clan, go to the next round, against the next clan which won. (until the clan is in the final) The clan who lose, is out...or makes a lose round...with the other team which lost.
(And with 7t and blood this are really to many games, i think.)
and thats my idea to the tournament^^



 Post subject: Re: Tournament ?
PostPosted: Mon 29. May 2017 17:37:47 
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Ja si nemyslim ze by 7T a Bloodring meli byt soucasti turnaje, nehodi se to tam.

Ten nepodstatnej hlavni admin :D


 Post subject: Re: Tournament ?
PostPosted: Mon 29. May 2017 19:24:33 
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Vidím to stejně, 7T se nehodí, protože to není o "skillu", ale o náhodě, kdo co dostane a Bloodring není oblíbený

Přítel mé ženy je i můj přítel, neboť kdo oře moje pole, šetří můj pluh.


 Post subject: Re: Tournament ?
PostPosted: Mon 29. May 2017 22:07:01 
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Peta wrote:
I think it is good if we just do 'KO-Rounds' so not with points.
If a clan have to play against another, they play all: shooter, dd, dm, osdm, race (maybe two modes on a day). Every win on a game (shooter,dd,dm,osdm,race) gives a point, and which clan have more points against the other clan, go to the next round, against the next clan which won. (until the clan is in the final) The clan who lose, is out...or makes a lose round...with the other team which lost.
(And with 7t and blood this are really to many games, i think.)
and thats my idea to the tournament^^

I am complitly agree with Peta.

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament ?
PostPosted: Thu 01. Jun 2017 10:55:51 
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Erosion wrote:
Vidím to stejně, 7T se nehodí, protože to není o "skillu", ale o náhodě, kdo co dostane a Bloodring není oblíbený

Tak isto.. :thumbup:


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